When you are working towards weight loss, and you’ve cut down on junk and sugar, there is nothing a person starts missing more than the comforts – bread!

I have never really been able to find a satisfactory substitution for bread while cutting out lectins and gluten. But when I discovered Brazilian cheese bread, I had a smile from ear-to-ear!

Not only is Brazilian cheese bread gluten-free, but it is also lectin-free, grain-free and can be made using A2 type milk for people who are sensitive to A1 milk proteins. You can also use pastured or omega-3 eggs, sea salt and filtered water. And since you will need a cup of shredded cheese, the options are wide in that you can use most any type of shredded plant-paradox compliant cheese. For this recipe, I used half a cup of aged Parmesan cheese and another half cup of shredded Gouda cheese.

To make life easy, there are some kitchen tools that will make your life easy. I simmered the liquids in a large wok, mixed all the ingredients in the same wok using a Danish dough whisk, and baked the buns on a non-stick silicone baking mat.

Yield: 4 dinner-roll-sized buns or 8 small balls


  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/4 cup A2 milk
  • 1 tbsp organic extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tsp fine sea salt
  • 1 cup of cassava flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup of your favorite shredded cheese


  1. Put the water, milk and salt in a wok and bring to a quick simmer. As soon as it simmers, take it off the heat.
  2. Add the cassava flour and mix together using a Danish dough whisk or with your fingers. It should be chunky with all of the flour absorbing the liquids.
  3. Add the eggs and mix together well so that the egg is absorbed by all the dough.
  4. Add the cheese and knead with your hands until it all comes together into a dough. There should not be any loose pieces of dough, it should all be one piece. This whole process up to this point should only take like 5 minutes.
  5. Pre-heat oven to 375 convection bake (or regular bake if you don’t have convection).
  6. Roll your buns or balls of dough, shape them however you want and put the on your non-stick baking sheet or sheet pan. (I use a sheet pan with silicone baking mat)
  7. Bake for 20-25 minutes. The outside should be slightly browned and crispy and the inside hot and gooey.
  8. Let cool for 5 minutes before eating. Wrap in plastic wrap and freeze right away if not eating. Then thaw out in microwave or oven until hot again.

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